Meeting Minutes 10-09-2006
Greetings Fellow Toastmasters,
The meeting of October 9, 2006, which was preceded by an Executive Committee Meeting, was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Club President Arlene Stock with Doris Chernik as Toastmaster for the evening. Ana Alba was Word Master and challenged us to use the word "quagmire" in our presentations. Jill Burk served as General Evaluator. Anna Faith participated in Table Topics with an interesting story about a Swedish Holiday and clambake tradition, and she later delighted the audience with her splendid presentation of Speech #1 "How My Dad Prepared Me For New York." Daemon spoke about a Scandinavian Maypole Day celebration on the day he was married, while Marcus spoke about a July 4th experience. Anna Doumnova spoke about New Years Day in her native Russia, and John Lee spoke about a shopping adventure in Singapore. We were taken on a world adventure in less than an hour. Bart presented Speech #1, and I commend him for delivering an Icebreaker that ranks among the best I've witnessed since I've been a member of Toastmasters. I, Woody Deas, completed Speech #7 (Research Your Topic) "Celebrating Discovery: An Ongoing Voyage," which was based on a theme celebrating Columbus Day as it was presented on a Library of Congress Website. My primary focus was on Giovanni da Verrazano and the great suspension bridge here in New York that honors him.
I left the heavy lifting for Marlene, who spoke from the Advanced Storytelling Manual Project #5, "The Young Man and the Sea." She related the story of Christopher Columbus with her usual grace,
punctuated with a few rhetorical devices and a bit of drama, Anna Doumnova evaluated Anna Faith, Malcolm evaluated Bart, Jim evaluated me, and Janet Schoene evaluated Marlene. Jill was at her best as General Evaluator, and provided us with her usual insightful observations and helpful suggestions. After the officers report and other Club business was completed, the meeting was adjourned at around 9:40 P.M.
The next meeting is October 28, 2006 at 8:00 P.M. - Rivercross Community Room.
Submitted Respectfully,
Woody Deas, Secretary
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