Toastmaster Meetings of April 10 and 24
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Meeting Minutes for April, 2006
Greetings Roosevelt Island Toastmasters,
Club President Jim Luce made time in his busy schedule to open the meetings of April 10 and April 24.
April 10- Malcolm Cohen, who is excellent in every Toastmaster role, served as Toastmaster for the evening, Ana Alba was Word Master, Doris Chernik led the Table Topics session, and Marlene was the General Evaluator. Girija presented her Icebreaker, Felicia presented some very interesting biographical content on Sir Winston Churchill in Speech #5, and Simi took Best Speaker honors with his presentation of Speech #5 ("Fear"). Sue Brown evaluated Girija, Al Short evaluated Felicia, Jill Burk evaluated Simi, and Marlene evaluated the evaluators and the meeting in general.
April 24- Al Short was Toastmaster for the evening, Sue Brown was Word Master, and Masaaki Kawano led the Table Topics session around a general theme derived from his involvement with the sport of hockey, but mostly it was about Employer-Employee relations, with Malcolm taking the honors for Best Table Topics Speaker. Jill Burk served as General Evaluator. This was an evening of Icebreakers, and Ana Alba's presentation centered on her role as a lawyer was dramatic and filled with enough enthusiasm for her to take Best Speaker honors for the evening. Lisha Li, Barry Wan, and Don Guan all presented interesting speeches where they shared with the audience something about themselves and their background and aspirations, and they were warmly received by their Toastmaster audience who, as Jim Luce put it, use the Toastmaster sandwich method of praise, improvement, and praise in providing feedback during evaluations. Jill, whose insightful evaluations are always appreciated by everyone, described Al as being clear, concise, complete, and cleaver - right on the money I'd say. His warm personality and sometimes witty comments made him an excellent host. Malcolm reminded the audience of the upcoming Career Day event at PS 217, and Doris reminded us of our assignments for the next meeting before Jim closed the meeting with a bit of wit of his own. One final note - Jim will host a club officers meeting on May 1, 2006. The next regular meeting of the Roosevelt Island Toastmasters will be on May 8, 2006 in the Rivercross Community Room.
The Roosevelt Island Toastmaster Club wishes Marlene Flom a very Happy Birthday.
Respectfully Submitted,
Woodrow Deas
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