Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 8-28-06

Roosevelt Island Toastmasters Club President Arlene Stock hosted an Executive Committee Meeting at her home on Monday, August 28, 2006 that was called to order at 8:00 P.M. with Doris Chernik, Anna Doumnova, Simione Rokolaqa, Immediate Past President Jim Luce, and myself (Woody Deas) present. The President's Report included a proposed schedule for regular Toastmaster Meetings and monthly executive meetings on the second Monday of each month. The exec meetings would be an hour and a half before the regular TM meeting. This business was followed by a discussion of club goals, performance standards, and Distinguished Club status for 2006-2007. The "shadow officer" concept was also discussed with input from Doris and Jim, along with traditional committee assignments as detailed by Arlene. Arlene and Jim led an energetic discussion of how our members might use some of the more recently available technologies in conjunction with Toastmaster activities aimed at
helping TM members improve their speaking and presentation skills. Both Arlene and Jim are familiar with cutting edge technologies and methodologies in practical terms, so we can expect followup info
in the near future concerning the feasibility of their suggestions.

The Secretary's Report included mention that the Roosevelt Island Toastmasters Club 4121 is now assigned to Area 57 (previously we were in Area 55), and that the Toastmasters motto posted on
the recently redesigned District 46 Website is - Speak to Enlighten, Lead to Empower. Doris had announced earlier this year that Club 4121 was recognized as a Distinguished Club, and I noticed posted on the District 46 Website that Area 55 was recognized as a Distinguished Area. Also, Bibi Haddad, the incoming District 46 Governor, has announced the goal of achieving No. 1 in the world status for District 46 by June 30, 2007.

In her Treasurer's Report, Anna Doumnova presented a prepared document that itemized a proposed budget and other fiduciary business, and she explained the proposed and actual dues for current and new members of Club 4121. Toastmasters International World Headquarters had earlier announced increases in dues, so a motion to approve the new dues amount as the total dues we charge for new and renewing members per semester was introduced by Doris and unanimously approved by voice vote. Members will be notified by email the details of the new rates.

Our Vice President Education, Doris Chernik, made suggestions and commented on the various issues discussed during the course of the meeting, and it was agreed that the Secretary (me) would prepare a chart tracking the progress of members toward their public speaking goals. Also, the agenda for the meeting on September 11, 2006 was discussed. There is 1 scheduled speaker and an extended Table Topics session is scheduled, possibly done in the Round Robin style similar to the one Malcolm Cohen led at the semi-annual dinner party this past June.

Vice President Membership / Public Relations, Simi Rokolaqa, announced a membership drive, so we will set up a table at the Green Market on Saturday, September 9. He also suggested that bookmarks be prepared so that we can give them to prospective new members, so I'll start work on that project shortly, and submit the results to Arlene for printing.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M.

The next regular meeting of the Roosevelt Island Toastmasters Club will be held at the Westview Community Room at 8:00 P.M. on September 11, 2006.

Submitted Respectfully,
Woody Deas Secretary


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