Semi-annual Dinner Party
Hello Fellow Toastmasters,
The Semi-annual Roosevelt Island Toastmasters Dinner Party held on
June 26, 2006 at Trellis began on schedule with cocktails at 6:30 P.M. and an open menu dinner at 7:00 P.M. Arlene, Sue, Felicia, Malcolm and his wife Susan, Luigi, Al, Marlene, Jim Luce and James (a guest from Haiti), and myself (Woody) were present. The first item of business on the agenda was the formal installation of Club Officers for 2006-2007, but once that was done, it was all fun. Arlene Stock was warmly received as the incoming President of Roosevelt Island Toastmasters Club #4121. Jim served as Toastmaster for the evening, Sue read a moving poem - The Bridge Builders - that was especially appropriate for the occasion, and Malcolm led the Round Robin Table Topics session that gave each of us the opportunity to respond to a question posed by the person preceding the respondent. The cocktails were refreshing, the food was great, and the social ambience of the restaurant was very comfortable indeed for our small group. Hope those of you who couldn't attend the event will be able to make the next one.
The next regular meeting will be on September 11, 2006. The location will be announced via email and on this web site before that date, so be sure to check.
Have an enjoyable summer.
Woody Deas
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