Wednesday, May 24, 2006

RITM Meeting May 22, 2006

Fellow Toastmasters,

Doris Chernik served as Toastmaster for the meeting of May 22, 2006, which was called to order shortly after 8:00 P.M. due to the late arrival or non-arrival of some of the scheduled participants. As in the world of the theater she knows so well, the show must go on, so our very competent Toastmaster improvised a bit and had the two speakers who were present do their presentations before the Table Topics session, which is usually done before the first scheduled speaker takes the podium. Anna spoke first and did an admirable presentation of Speech #6 (Vocal Variety) titled “Myths and Mysteries.” She was evaluated by Sue Brown. Luigi presented an energetic Speech #10 (Inspire Your Audience) titled “Old Loves Never Die.” He was evaluated by Jill, who praised the depth of his knowledge of his subject and his excellent hand gestures and body language in general. His vivid descriptions were done without using visual aids, but he suggested that members of the audience do an Internet Search to find the relevant works of art pertaining to his topic and the beheading of John the Baptist. The thought invokes an emotional response, so the objectives of his presentation were met, and I for one was certainly inspired by his presentation. Jill took Best Evaluator honors for her insightful observations and helpful comments, and Luigi was applauded for successfully completing the requirements for CTM. Silvia did a very able job as General Evaluator, her first time in that role, and Doris led the Table Topics session in addition to serving as Toastmaster. Al served as Timer, and there was one guest, Margaret, who spoke briefly during the Table Topics session. I (Woody) rambled a bit as the first Table Topics speaker when Doris asked me to comment on a recently read book. I’ve been viewing a lot of vintage films lately, so the several books I've recently acquired are still sitting on the shelf unread, and I couldn’t think of even one joke from a Bob Philips children’s book I read parts of a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately, the other Table Topics participants performed better than I did, so the session proceeded smoothly. After going over assignments for the next meeting and devoting a few moments to club business, Doris adjourned the meeting before 9:30 P.M.

The next meeting will be held at 8:00 P.M. on June 12th in the Rivercross Community Room, and a Dinner Party and the final meeting of the semester will be on the evening of June 26, 2006.

Submitted Respectfully,

Woody Deas


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Sunday, May 14, 2006

RITM Meeting May 8, 2006

Greetings Roosevelt Island Toastmasters,

The meeting of May 8, 2006 was called to order by Doris Chernik, our Vice President Education, with Simi Rokolaqa as Toastmaster for the evening. Don Guan was Word Master and challenged us to use the word “circumvent” in our presentations. Barry Wan served as Table Topics Master, and Malcoln Cohen was the General Evaluator. I (Woody) was the first speaker, and I presented Project #6 (Vocal Variety) with the title, "Marketing Wants People to Remember," which was evaluated by Sue Brown. Marlene presented Speech #2 from the Advanced Storytelling Series. She was evaluated by Janet Schone. Jill spoke from the Advanced Storytelling Series too, presenting Speech #4 (A Touching Story). She was evaluated by Jim, who took Best Evaluator honors, while Jill herself was voted Best Speaker. Doris presented "Evaluate to Motivate" from the Successful Club Series, and Malcolm followed her instructive presentation with a really great evaluation of the evaluators. Jill's speech was reflective of her always excellent presentation skills - she certainly accomplished the objectives of the project. Simi did an excellent job as Toastmaster, which Malcolm commented on, and Barry led one of the most comprehensive Table Topics sessions I've witnessed - nine speakers participated. We had one guest, who introduced himself and spoke briefly, and Doris announced assignments for the next meeting before Jim adjourned the meeting shortly before 10:00 P.M..

Submitted Respectfully,
Woody Deas,


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Monday, May 08, 2006

Officers Meeting of 5-01-2006

Officers Meeting 5-01-2006

Greeting Fellow Toastmasters,

Roosevelt Island Toastmasters Club President Jim Luce hosted an officers meeting on Monday, May 1, 2006 that was called to order at 7:00 P.M. with Anna, Doris, Marlene, Sue, and myself (Woody) present. The first item on the agenda was a discussion of potential club officers from among our current membership with several people mentioned as those who might be willing to serve. The status of the Roosevelt Island Toastmasters Club in the Distinguished Club Competition was also discussed, along with the possibility of presenting certificates of recognition for certain work on behalf of the club. Sue has agreed to chair the Dinner Committee for the upcoming Semi-Annual Dinner, and a table at the GreenMarket has been scheduled for September 9, 2006, which is the Saturday before the first meeting in September. We also agreed by voice vote to follow the precedent set by Marlene and bring a treat to the Toastmasters Meeting in honor of our own birthday. Marlene brought a Birthday Cake and coffee to the last meeting. No other business was on the agenda so Jim adjourned the meeting at 8:40 P.M.

Submitted Respectfully,
Woody Deas


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