Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fellow Toastmasters,
Sue Brown served as Toastmaster for the meeting of March 27, 2006, which was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Vice President for Education Doris Chernik. Simi selected the word “elocution” as the word for day, and some but not all of us did ncorporate “elocution” in our presentations - Sue used it at least three times. Silvia Vendettuoli led the Table Topics session around the interesting theme, “Time as a Concept,” and Vice President for Membership and Public Relations, Luigi Cavandoli, served as General Evaluator.
As the first Table Topics speaker, he took us back in time to the ancient city of Troy and the historical Helen and her suitor, while Marlene took us 100 years into the future and into space travel to planet Venus, which she envisions as a kind, gentle, and pleasant planet. Malcolm, when asked if given the opportunity to change something about our Earthly past, he recommended resurrecting some aspects of the societies of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries when people were more mannerly in their social practices. Barry, a guest and Mechanical Engineer originally from the China mainland, doesn’t believe in reading palms or making tea leaf predictions but he did comment from his experience in China relating to predicting the future. Doris spoke reflectively about a trip around the world she and her husband took some years ago that was so memorable she wish she could relive it, and Silvia ended the session with some provocative questions: “Is time real?” “Does time really have a beginning and an end? Maria Tam did a superb presentation of Speech #2, “The Best Place to Retire,” and Anna mesmerized the audience with humor in her presentation of Speech #5, “Fax Facts.” Jose told us about “Greed” in his presentation of Speech #5, (Your Body Speaks), which was followed by the evaluations, comments from our guests, and a brief business session before Doris adjourned the meeting.

Submitted Respectfully,

Woody Deas


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Thursday, March 16, 2006

RITM Meeting 3-13-2006

Meeting of 3-13-2006
Fellow Toastmasters,

The meeting of March 13, 2006 was held in the Rivercross Community Room with incumbent Vice President for Education, Doris Chernik, opened the meeting promptly at 8:00 P.M. I, Woody Deas, served as Toastmaster for the evening. The Word Master was Maria Tam, who challenged us to use the word “incumbent” in our presentations. Sue Brown opened the Table Topics around the general theme of career counciling with Malcolm as the first speaker to respond, followed by Janet, Thomas, Anna Doumnova , Ana Alba, and Doris. The speakers for the main session were Luigi, who presented Speech #9, and Silvia, who completed Speech #10 in the CTM Series. Congratulations the Silvia. Jill presented Speech #3 entitled “Selling the Donkey” from the Advanced Storytelling Series, and as always she was superb. As General Evaluator, Janet offered praise along with helpful comments concerning what we did or did not do according to Toastmaster International expectations. I know I need to exercise my voice and devote more time to practice - her helpful advice as well as her example was certainly appreciated by me – I am to do my first evaluation at the next meeting. I stumbled a bit in my first time as Toastmaster, even after observing the masterful performances of a dozen presenters during the preceding months, so more pre-meeting practice will certainly improve my performance. Owen, a guest who currently resides in Queens, introduced himself, and the balloting ended with Luigi voted as best speaker and Doris taking the the Table Topics speaking honors. After the Business Meeting, during which Doris, Anna, and Malcolm spoke on club business matters, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Woody Deas


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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

RITM Meeting of 2-27-2006

Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Meeting minutes from 2/27/06

Fellow Toastmasters,

An energetic group of Toastmasters braved the chilly outdoors to meet in the Rivercross Community Room at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, February 27, 2006. Club President Jim Luce called the meeting to order and Janet Schoene did an admirable job as Toastmaster for the evening. Thomas Morf lead the Table Topics session, which centered on the theme of Real Estate, with Arlene, Anna, Marlene, Sue, and myself (Woody) speaking on the subject. Silvia was Word Master for the evening and chose the word "anthropomorphus." Maria Tam presented Speech #1 (Icebreaker) with the title "Dilemma," so we got to know a bit more about her background and her aspirations. I think she has great potential as a public speaker in English, a second language for her, so we were pleased to welcome her into the Roosevelt Island Toastmasters Club. I (Woody) completed Speech #6 (Vocal Variety) with the title "Sometimes We Remember Things," but perhaps my title should have been "Sometimes We Forget Things." Sue evaluated Maria and praised her for the hours of preparation she devoted to her speech. Arlene evaluated my speech, which did differ somewhat from my written text, so I accepted her praise along with her valuable suggestions. Al Short was General Evaluator, the first time he has served in that capacity, and he did an excellent job of it. Doris Chernik, our Vice president for Education, spoke at length (10-15) from the Successful Series on Toastmaster Roles, which was informative and also inspirational. The only business on the agenda was speaking with new members and reminding current members about dues. The meeting was adjourned before 10:00 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted

Woody Deas


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