Friday, November 17, 2006

Meeting Minutes for November 13, 2006

Hello Fellow Toastmasters,

The Roosevelt Island Toastmasters meeting of November 13, 2006 was called to order at 8:00 PM by Vice President Education Doris Chernik, with Al Short presiding as Toastmaster for the evening. Bart Ambrose served as Table Topics Master and Jim Luce was the General Evaluator for the meeting. After reviewing some Toastmasters basics, Al turned the meeting over to Bart, who started the Table Topics session off with series of challenging questions that Elana, Melissa, Jill, Pamela, Jim, and Kim responded to. Simi was the first scheduled speaker with a very interesting and enlightening Speech #6 (Vocal Variety) entitled - Whale Tooth and the Significance to Fijian Culture. Jill was his evaluator. I (Woody) spoke next, presenting Speech #8 (Get Comfortable with Visual Aids), which I did with props since my ancient but functional laptop is not up to the task. My speech was based on a book by James Surowiecki - The Wisdom of Crowds, but it went way too long, a definite no-no in Toastmasters. Doris was my evaluator. Anna Doumnova spoke last, presenting a touching Speech #9 (Persuade With Power) entitled - Forgiving is Healing. She was evaluated by Al Short. Jim was favorably impressed with many aspects of the meeting, and he was liberal in his praise as well as a pointing out with his usual candor where improvement could be made. When the votes were counted, it was confirmed that Simi won best speaker honors for the evening, and Jill was the Best Evaluator. When asked, both guests attending the meeting, Paula and Kim, choose to participate in the Table Topics session, and to her surprise Kim took Best Table Topics honors. After a brief business session Doris adjourned the meeting at 9:35 to a period of socializing afterwards.
Ragula, wines, cheeses, and crackers were provided by Doris and myself in celebration of our birthdays.

The next regular RITM meeting is on Monday, November 27, 2006. Club President Arlene Stock has scheduled an Executive Committee Meeting to precede the regular meeting.

Submitted respectfully,

Woody Deas, Secretary


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