Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Meeting Minutes for 2-26-2007

Greeting Fellow Toastmasters,

Marlene Flom called the meeting of February 26, 2007 to order at 8:00 PM with Jill Burk presiding as Toastmaster, Melissa Buerbaumer as Table Topics Master, Kim Taylor as Word Master, Malcolm Cohen as General Evaluator, and three scheduled speakers on the agenda. The strength and depth of the leadership of the Roosevelt Island Toastmasters Club was put to the test due to last minute changes in the agenda. It was all inconsequential, however, as Marlene and Jill demonstrated their versatility and leadership skill by taking on the challenge with very short notice, to take charge of the meeting and announce changes in the agenda and move the meeting forward in spite of the vicissitudes of uncertainty. Kim
challenged us to use the word - vicissitudes- in our presentations, and many of us did, but those of us who forgot can read this post aloud. Melissa opened the Table Topics session based on the idea of a grab bag with slips of papers that the Table Topics speaker called upon would pick a random slip with a topic to speak about. Some of the questions were really challenging, and all of them were interesting. Doris, Anna D, Elena, Marlene, Kim, Damon, Pamela, Malcolm, and Sue participated, and Kim took best Table Topics Speaker honors. Malcolm, who also served as Timer, in the role of General Evaluator offered praise to Jill for volunteering to serve as Toastmaster, and Marlene for making all of us feel welcome when she opened the meeting with a brief overview of the Toastmasters International mission and the role of our local club in that effort. Melissa was praised for her cleaver questions and creative leadership as Table Topics Master. There were three scheduled speakers on the agenda - Pamela, who was evaluated by me (Woody), Damon, who was evaluated by Anna D, and Elena, who was evaluated by Marlene. Pamela was voted Best Speaker, and Woody (me) took Best Evaluator honors. After a brief business session led by Doris, Marlene adjourned the meeting at 9:30 PM.

One final note, Club President Arlene Stock hosted an Executive Committee meeting on February 11, 2007. Besides issues related to expenditures, membership, and club dues, probably the most significant item discussed was selecting new officers for the next semester. A formal announcement will be made at a later date, but Arlene has informed me that Al Short has agreed to serve as President of The Roosevelt Island Toastmasters Club next semester. Thanks Al. We all look forward to your leadership.

Submitted Respectfully,

Woody Deas, Secretary



At Thursday, March 15, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The comments are very useful for the new members.



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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Meeting Minutes for 2-12-2007

Greetings Fellow Toastmasters,

Vice President Education, Doris Chernik, called the meeting of February 12 to order at 8:00 PM with me, Woody Deas, presiding as Toastmaster. Anna Falth was Word Master and challenged us to use the word -pellucid- in our presentations. Elena led a unique and interesting Table Topics session that featured a grab bag full of various items. The speaker she called upon would then reach in and pick an item at random, and that item would be the topic of their talk. Jim pulled out a duck and recalled childhood books and a duck trail at the Boston Commons. Anna D pulled out a velvet heart, Doris grabbed hold of a crystal covered mini-chest, Marlene spoke interestingly as she demonstrated the unusual statue-shaped pen she pulled from the grab bag. Malcolm talked about the Cinderella he fished out of the bag, and a guest from Haiti that accompanied Jim, accepted the challenge to speak and recalled a gift he had recieved from his dad after he pulled a watch from the grab bag. Jim also served as General Evaluator and used the Toastmasters sandwich method with discernment to offer criticism and helpful advice to me and the evaluators - Sue, Marlene, Anna, Malcolm, and Doris. Kim Taylor presented her Icebreaker -What I learned From All My Jobs- and took Best Speaker honors with a marvelous presentation that was both interesting and humorous. Melissa presented an informative Speech #2- The 3 Things You Shouldn't Miss on Your Next Trip To Portugal. Anna Alba presented Speech #3- Lasanga 101, and Branko presented Speech #3 - Croatia- My Homeland. Anna D completed a Special Project that consisted of serving in three different roles, as Ah counter, as an evaluator, and she participated as a Table Topics speaker. Malcolm took Best Evaluator honors and Jim was Best Table Topics speaker. After a brief business session, Doris adjourned the meeting at around 9:45 PM.
The next regular meeting is on February 26 at Rivercross Community Room.

Submitted Respectfully,

Woody Deas, Secretary



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