Thursday, December 16, 2004

R I Toastmasters Camcorder

R I Toastmasters is looking into buying a camcorder to record member speeches so that VHS tapes or DVD discs could be made for members to take home.
The members would be able to replay their speeches at home and make their own evaluations of the speeches and improve details of posture, habits, eye contact, pronunciation, pacing, gestures and so on.
Members could also use the camcorder to rehearse their speeches at home and improve their technique.
The issue with the camcorder is what format to use that would be most useful to members:
VHS tapes which would play back in a VCR on home television as everyone viewed movies at home in the 1990's.
DVD discs which would play back on a DVD player on home television as currently used for movie release.
Please respond by email with answers to BOTH of the following questions:
I have a VCR tape player at home connected to my television that I still use. YES or NO
I have a DVD disc player at home connected to my television that I currently use. YES or NO
Robert Gray



At Sunday, March 21, 2010, Blogger kaio cesar said...

eu falo potugue se vc entender minha lingua entra no tradutor e entra no meu blog e deixa um comentário o meu blog é


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